Wednesday, September 3, 2008

crack open the eggs...

Okay, so this is my first blog post. Normally I'm more loquacious (nice SAT word!) than I'll probably be tonight. Seems I'm pmsing and not feeling up to par. Plus the RNC is going on and that alone puts me in a bad mood. Large groups of Republicans set me on edge. But to introduce myself to the blogging world...I have two wonderful kids, a terrific husband, I drink too much coffee and my chicken coop houses five chickens who have yet to lay one egg between them. My hope is they will pop one out in the next few weeks or my dear husband will follow through on plans to cook one of them. He claims this will set an example for the others...produce or die. Kind of a publish or perish for poultry I guess.

It's my plan to post something new every few days or so. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully not like my knitting--the needles are stuffed in a closet, along with numerous skeins of wool. So for now I'm off to help the eldest child with her homework...I think I need to focus on it a little better. She's supposed to be coming up with words that have short vowels in them and all I can think of are swear words. I'm sure that would merit a call from the principal. But I bet it would get me that bad girl rep I've always wanted. hmmm...words with a short i or a short u. Yeah, I need more coffee.

1 comment:

karengreeners said...

hooray! welcome!

i too thought of a specific swear word when you described your kid's homework. nice. i'll try to shake the foul out of my mouth before my own comes to me for help with her homework in a few years.

looking forward to more tales from the coop!