Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hanna who?

The forecast was for significant rain and high winds. The hubby was out of town and we had let the kids watch Twister one too many times. Their irrational fear of flying cows was getting out of hand. So we fired up Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and gorged ourselves on oatmeal raisin cookies. And I waited for the storm.

And waited. Finally (well, not finally...that sounds like an overdue and wanted guest), eventually she arrived. In the middle of the night as the children slept, the rain came down. A LOT of rain. Nearly 6 inches to be exact. But, thankfully, very little wind. A gust or two here and there, but not the tree uprooting gusts we had been warned to expect. So my stashing of the lawn furniture was for naught.

But my coop securing could have used some improvement. The coop flooded. Five shivering chickens were huddled together on the top roost when I ventured out there at 7:41 am. Three inches of water stood on the saturated dirt--now mud--coop floor. They were not happy. About as pissed off as I have ever seen a chicken. Hence the saying madder than a wet hen.

They're happier now. The rain has stopped. The wind is dying down. The sun is attempting to emerge from behind the clouds. But everytime I go out to the coop the big chicken--Hattie--gives me the stink eye. As if to say you're a bad chicken mommy. This'll probably set back their egg laying for at least a month. Anyone up for chicken and dumplings?


karengreeners said...

poor stupid chickens! (sorry; i worked in a huuuuuge chicken coop on a communal farm, and, at least in droves, they are dumb.)

glad that hanna went easy on you.

motherbumper said...

Glad the storm wasn't too wild. BTW I'd love to see pics of the chickens, perhaps you could indulge me?